This was a personal film project, that together with my friend Doove we embarked on a trip to South America in the search of a Motorcycle Adventure.
We flew to Peru with the plan to drive from the desert in the Pacific Ocean to La Rinconada (the highest village in the world at 5,100m above sea level).
Our journey started off in Arequipa then through the Panamerican Highway towards the desert of Nazca and Ica. We then climbed up the Andes and towards the ancient city of Machu Picchu. After that we headed east, towards the high altitude plains of the remote north-eastern Peru where eventually we made it to the dodgy gold mine that is La Rinconada, and sneaked into Bolivia for a beer.
The end of our trip lead us to Puno and the highest lake in the world and eventually we made our way through the volcanic landscapes back to Arequipa.